Bathurst Metals is Canada based gold mining company with a diverse portfolio of mines and projects. We have enough strength and acquisition of land property by covering Turner Lake, Gela Lake and McGregor Lake. Our gold mining techniques include significant drilling, with basic understanding of the strike, dip and gold mineralization. Our gold zones are ready for grid patterns and exploration. Our aim is to develop viable mineral deposits in a cost effective and responsible manner for the benefit of our shareholders and the community at large. For more information, visit our website.

Gold Mining in Canada

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Загружено 3 года назад — 486 просмотров

Bathurst Metals is Canada based gold mining company with a diverse portfolio of mines and projects. We have enough strength and acquisition of land property by covering Turner Lake, Gela Lake and McGregor Lake. Our gold mining techniques include significant drilling, with basic understanding of the strike, dip and gold mineralization. Our gold zones are ready for grid patterns and exploration. Our aim is to develop viable mineral deposits in a cost effective and responsible manner for the benefit of our shareholders and the community at large. For more information, visit our website.